Category Archives: CCSS

Political correctness in K-12 math

This is definitely worth a read.

Here is a quote:

“High schools focus on elementary applications of advanced mathematics whereas most people really make more use of sophisticated applications of elementary mathematics. This accounts for much of the disconnect noted above, as well as the common complaint from employers that graduates don’t know any math. Many who master high school mathematics cannot think clearly about percentages or ratios.”

And here is the link:

Click to access 07carnegie.pdf

Link found on f(t)’s blog

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Filed under abstract, algebra, CCSS, Common Core, depth, education, K-12, math, standards, teaching, tests

Mathematical discrimination in the brave new world of Common Core

Merriam Webster
adjective dis·crim·i·nat·ing

: liking only things that are of good quality

: able to recognize the difference between things that are of good quality and those that are not

Full Definition of DISCRIMINATING

1: making a distinction : distinguishing
2: marked by discrimination:
a : discerning, judicious
b : discriminatory

Take your pick !

In the UK we used to call it prejudice, as in “racial prejudice”.

Today the perfectly good word “discrimination” has been hijacked and the old meaning has all but disappeared.

Now you ask “What’s this got to do with math?”.

We have to look at quadratic equations for an answer.

The standard quadratic equation is ax2 + bx + c = 0
It may or may not have real roots
and the sign of D = b2 – 4ac resolves this uncertainty.

D < 0 … no real roots, D = 0 … equal real roots D > 0 … different real roots

What is this D ? It is the “discriminant” of the equation.

It is used to discriminate between equations with real roots and equations without real roots.

So WHY isn’t it in the Common Core math standards. It’s about as standard a thing as is possible?

Clearly the CCSSM authors are guilty of serious discrimination in discriminating against the word “discriminant”, in order not to be accused of discrimination language. Neither “discrimination” nor “discriminant” appear in the CCSSM doc, and the result is that the poor kids ( in the little darlings sense) have to complete the square from scratch every time they have a quadratic equation ( instead of once only in order to get the discriminant formula).

So sad !


Filed under algebra, CCSS, Common Core, education, teaching