Category Archives: ballet

Cleopatra, reborn in Mayaguez

When not blogging, gardening or cooking I assist in the productions of our ballet company, Western Ballet Theatre of PR, with my wife, Nana Badrena, the choreographer and artistic director. So to “Cleopatra”, the latest ballet, in neoclassical, Cuban School tradition. A flight from Newark, JFK, Philly, Miami and more, to Aguadilla (BQN) to see this wonderful recreation of ancient Egypt and its interaction with the Roman Empire.
WBT-Cleopatra2016 OFICIAL

And a few publicity pictures of the protagonists, Cleopatra, Mark Anthony and Julius Caesar:


787 241 5248 is me.


Filed under ballet, caribbean, Mayaguez, neoclassical, Uncategorized

The last performance – non mathematical in the formal sense.

In three hours from now (5.00pm PR time) takes place the last performance of Nana Badrena’s Ballet “DRACULA”, at the Teatro Yaguez in Mayaguez Puerto Rico. Created in 1999 in Cuba this ballet has been performed many times, in Cuba, Mexico, Pennsylvania, South America, and here. The ballet is based on the film from 1973 by Francis Ford Coppola.

This is our Ballet Company, Western Ballet Theatre, and we have a website

(so it’s not just math !)(and theatre is the English spelling)
drac4Dracula seduces Lucy Westenra
drac6and then moves on to Mina, the reincarnation of his dead bride of 400 years earlier
drac7The vampires in Dracula’s castle.
drac3Jonathan, after Renfield grabs his valise
drac9The dramatic bed scene, as the drugged Jonathan wakes up.

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Filed under ballet, geometry